Patron of the apartment
Johann Jungwirth
*1839 in Riedlhütte, +1890 in Riedlhütte
The forester, later, after his father, gamekeeper and the shooter, which killed the last bear in Šumava and Bohemia on 14 November 1856. He lived in the secluded area called Riedlhütte near Pernek near Želnava. In the whole area, Bärenhansl he was known as "Bear Honza". For many years, however, he had trouble with the jealousy and envy of the princely hunters. The memorial stone "Bärenstein" stands in the spot where the bear last exhaled, and around that place the famous "Bear Trail" leads. A stuffed specimen of the bear and Jungwirth's rifle is located in the Ohrada Museum near Hluboká nad Vltavou.